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Asterisk Billing system

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We are happy to confirm development finalization of online Corporate VOIP Billing system for Asterisk with following features:

  • Per customer billing based on customer PINs and extensions.
  • Rates import & export.
  • Support of peak and off-peak Provider rates.
  • Combining of all customer extensions in 1 bill.
  • Extensions activation and deactivation.
  • Per customer PIN generation and assignment.
  • Per-second, per-customer and per-extension billing.
  • etc...


example of Billing system reports


Consolidated company monthly billing report per user
Detailed extension billing report for the user


About InTouch FZE

InTouch FZE is the team of  IT professionals having years of extensive expertise in Information Technology and providing unique and tailor-made modern IT solutions. We are United Arab Emirates based.